January — Baking Pineapple Tarts
Hello there. New year resolution this year, to do one thing every month that forces me out of my comfort zone. Baking Pineapple Tarts — that shall be January’s mission then.
Just yesterday on the way back home after dinner, my mum casually asked if I could make pineapple tarts for the family this new year. I pondered for a long while and… obligated (the number of hours required is too long???).
I have been rejecting this request since secondary school when my last quest in making “Fanta grape” cookies was an absolute disaster. Look, even the concept of “Fanta grape” cookies itself is weird (I was young and foolish for even attempting to bake this nonsense). And somehow, I do not find any pleasure in baking or cooking. Both are essential life skills, that I decided that I will pursue in the future when needed.
The reason why I decided to start one new activity per month, is simply because my memory of 2019 when I think back, has only memories from getting into a new relationship, moving house and vacations striking out the most. Other than that, the rest seems to be jammed pack by work.
I was referring to https://www.theburningkitchen.com/homemade-pineapple-tarts/ for the recipe. Baked a total of 4 containers worth of pineapple tarts, glad to hear from my family and Mr Yeo that it is good, soft and flaky. Distributed out in the office to my colleagues, some who were too kind to say it taste good, glad it tasted ok to most.
There are many different variations of pineapple tart, ranging from open-faced, ball to rolled forms. I went for the rolled form — formed by squeezing it through a pipe contraption, which burned out all my energy the whole afternoon squeezing the dough through the piper and also, a strained back as a final product. Only towards the end, I realise that rolling it into a ball was so much easier. #rage #dumbmin
Anyways, voila! Check out the end product that I’m glad is edible, and nicely packaged for memory sake.
An unnecessary artistic shot that I attempted